Sunday, September 14, 2008

Football Sunday

Well I finally started a blog, with the encouragement from my husband.  As I sit here writing my first post I can't help but hear the overwhelming sound of grown men cheering.  They are my neighbors, and this is what I've been listening to on my lazy Sunday.  What surprises me is they choose to spend their day this way.  My husband informs me the more men around the louder the cheering will be.  There must be at least 4 over there.  They remind me of a birthday party we went to a few years back with my then 4 year old son.  The father was watching a football game during his son's birthday party.  Not only was this completely rude but he was clapping uncontrollably.  It was almost like watching some sort of animal in a ritual dance.  It was more than bizarre and almost three years later we still find appropriate times to bring him up.  We call him clapping guy.

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